Fonctionnement - Backward writing
Example of specular writing on the manuscript 'Vitruvian Man' by Leonardo da Vinci
The text right side up (in Italian) :
Vetruvio, architetto, mette nella sua opera d'architectura, chelle misure dell'omo sono dalla natura disstribuite in quessto modo cioè che 4 diti fa 1 palmo, et 4 palmi fa 1 pie, 6 palmi fa un chubito, 4 cubiti fa 1 homo, he 4 chubiti fa 1 passo, he 24 palmi fa 1 homo ecqueste misure son ne' sua edifiti...'
The text translated into English :
Vetruvio, architect, puts in his work on architecture that the measurements of man are in nature distributed in this manner: that is a palm is four fingers, a foot is four palms, a cubit is six palms, four cubits make a man, a pace is four cubits, a man is 24 palms and these measurements are in his buildings...'.
Some security vehicles have specular (inverted) markings on the bonnet so that other vehicles can read the markings right way in there rear-view mirror.
Here is a video of an amulance and a police car filmed in Geneva.